Extracts from letters received

Interesting, moving and most revealing, I had to read and re-read it as it brought home memories of early childhood.

It was a most interesting, entertaining, and yet moving account and I identified closely with several areas, particularly being born in Streatham and spending the time that you did in Liverpool, as I have done.

I found it so fascinating I couldn't put it down. I shed lots of tears too but recovered quickly. I admire your being able to recall so vividly, the past in detail.

I just couldn't put it down. I experienced a strange feeling of emotion as I came to the end.

So very interesting, I almost felt you were here talking to us.

I certainly found it most interesting and quite a remarkable feat in remembering so much detail from the past. We will keep it with great care.

It really was most interesting, and I would like to add my voice to those encouraging you to start volume two.

I can see it is going to be interesting, and what a good job Robert has made of the typing.

I think the joy of it is in its simplicity and its complete lack of pretension. I confess to delaying reading the final chapter, as I though it would be too sad, but the way you wrote it was just right.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it and it is a magnificent effort bringing back happy memories for me, and I am sure all involved. Doreen would have been very proud of it.

Your strong love for Doreen came clearly through, and I felt honoured that you wanted to share with me the very personal experiences of some of your times together.